How to design a sweater or maybe steal a design or whatever. It's what I do sometimes.
So last night (and this morning 'cause it got late) I watched "Stranger than Fiction" which is a good movie and BG recommended. Pop culture trivia Will Ferrell and Blue Gal have the same birthday, which we share with BG's mom as well.
So at the end of this movie, Emma Thompson (goddess), who has pretty much looked like shit for the whole movie because she is a depressed blocked creative, pulls herself together and puts on a really nice sweater.

Yeah I think it probably is Eileen Fisher and you know I've dissed that line before but this one inspired me to get a little knit design mojo going. I'll probably never knit it but it's fun to play.
Hokay so here's my little doodle I did my own self to think about how the sweater is constructed. Like most sweaters it's a series of modified rectangles. One big rectangle gets wrapped around the shoulders. Another smaller rectangle goes around the lower back under the arms and connects to the lower outside of the "shawl" portion. Then the sleeves are attached (I would just knit down from the hole created to save some sewing and give me lots of control over sleeve length.)
The downside of a sweater like this is the yarn and how stretchy it has to be to make the sweater work and how easily it can stretch out of shape all together. Let the knitter beware.
The yarn is clearly some sort of rayon tape or ribbon. I might want to use a yarn with just a touch of color or texture, but nothing too distracting from the ribbing and nothing that will take away from the comfort level of pulling this on.
The stitch may be k3 p3 though I think it may even be wider than that. 2nd Nature Design uses that rib very effectively in the Three Season Poncho (scroll down on this page for the blue one, it's really nice.)
So at the end of this movie, Emma Thompson (goddess), who has pretty much looked like shit for the whole movie because she is a depressed blocked creative, pulls herself together and puts on a really nice sweater.

Yeah I think it probably is Eileen Fisher and you know I've dissed that line before but this one inspired me to get a little knit design mojo going. I'll probably never knit it but it's fun to play.

The downside of a sweater like this is the yarn and how stretchy it has to be to make the sweater work and how easily it can stretch out of shape all together. Let the knitter beware.

The stitch may be k3 p3 though I think it may even be wider than that. 2nd Nature Design uses that rib very effectively in the Three Season Poncho (scroll down on this page for the blue one, it's really nice.)
Labels: knitting
I swear I've seen a similar sweater pattern recently, somewhere out in blogland I'm sure. I just wish I could remember if it was from IK, or Rowan..(or some other designer or publication) I just don't remember.
Dahlink ... you figured all that out from one freeze frame of the movie? Wow, you're an even more amazing Blue Gal than I imagined ...
I am fretting over knitting; I thought I'd try a lace shawl, but it is soooo frustrating. I'm ready to pack it in and go get some lovely sock yarn. I'll never be a proper Victorian lady.
And Emma Thompson ... my favorite actress. Wasn't that a surprisingly good movie?
the sweater seems to be knit not in a rib but rather with a dropped stitch and so would be *k2, knit next stitch through the back loop, k1 (this is the stitch that will eventually be dropped when piece is complete), knit next stitch through back stitch* repeat * to * across piece.
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