Wednesday, December 24, 2008

For friends and family

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

A friend, who's also a Friend, writes....

Are you still attending Quaker Meeting? Just curious.

I hope that you are well. Merry Christmas!

I've found a working out on that. I got in touch with the local Quaker group through Quaker finder and they do not currently have a First Day School, plus they are at the point where they are meeting in people's homes. That's all fine, but I really prayed about whether to walk into that vacuum at this point in my life and the way seemed closed to that...I am just not available spiritually and physically to do the amount of church building that I used to do in my 20's.

My children and I are attending United Methodist services. Their Sunday School program is absolutely awesome, especially for my 10 year old son. You may know he has high functioning autism. Anyway, his class has two GUY teachers who are cool and inspiring and call him "Dude."

The best thing about this church, though, is they have services all morning long, people coming and going, and they have a lovely quiet chapel off the main greeting room where I can walk right in and sit and be quiet for an hour after I drop off my kids. It's my own unprogrammed meeting, but it's what I need and doesn't offend anyone. I really see all of that as an example of God meeting the needs of everyone.

Anyway, I definitely still consider myself a Friend. I'm going to read A Holy Silence in January and write some about it, if so led...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Mayfly Project

One of my readers kicked me to begin posting here again.

Yoga pointed me to The Mayfly Project, where you sum up your personal story for the past year in 24 words only. I made it into an art project: